We celebrated the formation of the ec³ hub at our September 16th inauguration ceremony, which brought executives and academics from around the world to MIT campus. We thank everyone who joined us for our presentations and poster/tech demo reception for creating a lively discussion around how multifunctional concrete can enable next-generation sustainability. We offer a special thanks to the Aizawa Concrete Corporation, who makes our international research collaboration possible.
Presentations on the ec³ hub technology and collaboration
Distinguished presenters at the event included Prof. Ali Jadbabaie, Co-director Franz Josef-Ulm, Co-director Admir Masic, Research Scientist James Weaver, and Aizawa Concrete Corporation’s President and CEO, Yoshihiro Aizawa. Photo credit: Jewan Bae
A signing ceremony affirms international research collaboration
The leadership of the ec³ hub and Aizawa Concrete Corporation symbolically affirmed the research agreement creating the collaboration between MIT and Japanese industry.
From left to right: Franz-Josef Ulm, Hessam AzariJafari, Admir Masic, Yoshihiro Aizawa, Ryo Aoki, Seiji Nakamura. Photo credit: Jewan Bae
A reception with technology demos and poster presentations
Research Scientist Damian Stefaniuk demonstrates a carbon-cement supercapacitor which powers a game device. Photo credit: Andrew Laurent
Participants were invited to investigate the electron-conducting carbon cement technology hands-on by interacting with supercapacitors and engaging with researchers presenting on topics such as rheology and durability investigations.